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Here is your official welcome to: *heartspace*IMG_6336

I have shifted my energies over to my website: *heidi at heartspace* where I will continue to blog, but I also have more content to share with you. You will find information about who I am, what my mission is in my community, and what services I offer.

I am passionate about providing a safe place for women to transform, and this looks like a circle. Many of us just need a quiet spot to land for a little while, to gather ourselves, to check in, and to breathe–this is what I provide with a little twist. Currently I offer two types of women’s circles: reading and writing. It is very helpful to have a focus for our discussion and to tease out what it is we need to say, which is why in one circle we read a book in a month and in the other circle, we respond to memoir-based writing prompts.

My goal is to support interfaith dialogue in my community by coming together and having time for prayer/meditation on a monthly basis. I am also working on starting another circle series specifically to support spirituality; and in this circle we read a book, share our hearts in discussion, and spend some time in silent meditation/prayer.

The main thing I want to stress is that any work you do with me has these components:

  • confidentiality
  • being heard and listened to in an authentic way
  • no fixing, platitude giving, nor unwanted advice giving
  • an environment that cultivates presence and awareness
  • peace to help you land in your heartspace


All of this spells safety to me. In order for us to unravel and to really hear what our heart has to say, we have to feel safe. Welcome to *heartspace*.

I am also continuing my work as a Transformational Life Coach with women both in the Athens-area and beyond. If you are interested in working with me individually or in a Circle, visit my website and reach out, or schedule your one-on-one session here. I also put out a monthly newsletter, which you can sign up for here.

Much peace and many blessings to you.